After Warm-Looking Misaka Mikoto Cosplay photography by Gekota, now we can see how she supposed to look like in the anime, pretty, cute but still looks strong and a little arrogant, the first impression when the first time i see Misaka Mikoto is she's a grumpy and irritable girl, since she attack Touma just because she was told to change her tune when talking to others ^^. nevertheless she is one of the main protagonists in the story.

Mikoto has chestnut brown hair and is Often seen wearing a small hair clip. Her eyes are the same color as her hair. She is also shown to have a complex regarding her chest, feeling inferior when Compared to girls with bigger bust sizes. well ... somehow I understand why she becomes irritable XD There is a saying that a girl with a flat chest irritability (lol just kidding), as the third ranked Level 5 esper in Academy City she can beat many lvl 0 asper that bothering her without breaking a sweat.

Despite her short - tempered, prideful, and has an improper attitude with some slight tomboyish tendencies and insecurities, Generally she is friendly and easygoing, thats why i love this characters (she the one who makes wanna see this anime), Compared to other Level 5's , she does not look down on lower - level espers, I guess that's why she never hold back when fighting even when she just fighting with lvl 0 esper XD, so ... it's bad idea if you make her as your opponent.

Anyway ... Misaka Mikoto personality is well illustrated in this Misaka Mikoto Cosplay photo, I mean ... not just Misaka's cuteness that seen here yet her powerful side, her tomboyish side, her kind side and even her childish side wrapped perfectly in this Misaka Mikoto Cosplay picture by Ayatouch, except her make-up is a bit excessive for a Misaka, everything look great here, especially i really love her hair that looks very natural and sweet on her and that electrict effect that looks like a real one in anime.

Besides Misaka Mikoto cosplay there are also Kuroko Shirai Cosplay by Ayatouch's friends, although I don't know her name but she's surly did great on making Kuroko Shirai look so cute here.


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