League of Legends Cosplay Photo : Ahri The Nine Tail Fox character by Eki, I already post Ahri Cosplay photo by Miyuko which u can find that here, and another Eki cosplay as League of Legends Character Sona, you can find that here, and this time i got another Awesome Eki cosplay photo, she cosplaying as Ahri now, i really confused on deciding which better between this Ahri Cosplay by Eki and another Ahri cosplay by Miyuko XD, they both looks very cute and awesome (I love them both XD), but well i think Miyuko got owned by Eki in the affairs of the League of Legends cosplay ^^", Miyuko has too cute face and i think that not fit enough with the Ahri or Sona face characteristic (actually i feel Miyuko very fit as Ahri before I see cosplay League of Legends Cosplay by Eki) but still I love Miyuko XD, but Eki looks like she got everything needed for cosplaying as Ahri, especially her body posture XD.

League of Legends Cosplay Photo : Ahri Gallery

In this League of Legends Cosplay Eki has made very beautifull Ahri character, i mean she look very fit as her (i love her glossy face ^^ that give like umm...3D touch xD), It makes her a perfect fit with Ahri character, and another thing i love from this League of Legends is Ahri eyes with that bold eyelines that made her eyes seem big just like Ahri eyes, beside that Ahri cosplay costume has been made well too though i think she need more detail on her lowe part costume, that seem lesdetail and bit different with Ahri costume in game (in that part i prefer Miyuko costume ^^ Miyuko got more detail on that part), but as always Eki did great on top part of costume XD I do not know why but Eki has a strong attractive force on that part lol, well i love this League of Legends Cosplay by Eki (but i Love League of Legends Cosplay by Miyuko too XD), Ahri, the 9 Tails Fox is a champion in League of Legends, and i got this League of Legends Cosplay Photo by Eki from her facebook page :D, awesome!.


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