Nami is a sweet blond girl fans of tangerine fruit that you can meet in the One Piece anime/manga, we can see how much she love orange from Tatto she had on her left shoulder , which Represents mikan (orange), and pinwheels (a homage to Bell - mère, Nojiko, and Genzo, respectively) where she used to have a tattoo for being a member of Arlong 's crew after Lufy kick Arlong butt, nami change the tattoos on her left shoulder into as you see in this
Nami Cosplay picture.

There is a very deep story behind the tattoo that she has, when Nami was a child she lived in Orange island along with her stepchildren mother and also foster sister who loved her as their beloved real family, their name is Bell-mère and Nojiko, as in most sad stories, even though they live economically prosperous, but they lived happily, but all the happiness was gone instantly when Arlong and his Fishman Pirates crew came and claiming Orange Island belong to them, and every single who want to live must pay for their life each month.

As a child nami is already very interested and talented to become a navigator, until now her dream never changed that for neither map the entire surface of the earth according to the places she's ever been through in her adventure as Strawhat Pirates crew, because of her ability to draw very accurate maps Arlong take little Nami to be part of his crew and forced her to draw Mainland map without stoping, in Arlong Park Acr when Lufy see Nami workplace that full with map she draw with a pen full of blood, that really pissed him off and start rampaging.

Of the many sad Arc in One Piece Anime, Orange Island (NAMI arch) is that almost made me cry haha * .. (Lol i said it). at the first time she met Lufy, Nami is a "Cat Burglar" a cute little girl with short hair arange, knowing her ability as navigator without her agreement Lufy already decide Nami to become his friend and navigator. Nami stole the treasure from pirates to buy the village she lived in accordance with the agreement that she made with Arlong, although in the end the deal eventually betrayed by Arlong.
Nami that you see in this Nami Cosplay Picture is Nami after two years time skip, Her overalls Physique matured suddenly, Her fashion frequently changes as does her hair style, From the Return to Sabaody Arc through the Fishman Island Arc, Nami 's hair has grown rather long and wavie, reaching down to her lower back. Her breasts have also grown larger and rounder, like Robin 's (well. .. you can see that part in this Nami Cosplay pictures ^^).
Anyways ... the cosplayer name behind this Nami Cosplay Photography is
Reiko (not sure though), about how good Reiko in this Nami Cosplay picture? with confidence I say she looks perfect as Nami, she got a slim tall body posture, sweet mature face with a little cute factor, nice natural wavy orange hair and I also love her thin make up thats looks very natural, besides that I guess Reiko appearance looks a little represent Nami's materialistic nature ^^.
Well ... it's super kawaii Nami Cosplay photography by awesome cosplayers Reiko , i hope you enjoy it as I enjoyed it, if you want to say something about this Nami Cosplay pictures please leave your comment below .